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Technology that improves your spray coverage, reducing drift and wastage

As chemical prices rise, it is imperative to ensure they are used as efficiently as possible. 70% of conventional sprays do not reach the target crop, causing drift, run-off, and wasted inputs increasing farm expenditure and adversely impacting the environment. MagrowTec is a magnetic assist conditioning fluid technology that delivers optimum-sized droplets for better coverage, improving yield productivity and ROI and reducing chemical and water waste.


  • Reduce chemical costs by up to 25%
  • Reduce chemical drift by up to 70%
  • Increase your input coverage by reduce drift and wastage
  • The system has no moving parts meaning it is easy to install and maintain
  • The system can be installed on any new or existing crop sprayer

Better spray coverage, less drift and waste with MagrowTec

The cost of chemicals is rising and environmental regulations are tightening, so wastage is just not an option. With conventional sprayers a significant proportion of the spray does not reach its target, which causes run-off, drift, and wasted inputs. Find out more about MagrowTec through the button below

Better spray coverage, less drift and waste with MagrowTec

The cost of chemicals is rising and environmental regulations are tightening, so wastage is just not an option. With conventional sprayers a significant proportion of the spray does not reach its target, which causes run-off, drift, and wasted inputs. Find out more about how MagrowTec works on our blog through the button below.

How it works

Simply add MagrowTec to your sprayer. 

  • One of our local reps will talk you through what you need on-farm, anywhere in New Zealand.
  • We will then conduct a Boom Kit Range Pre-Installation Report to determine the sprayer specification, nozzle size and spacing, and what the required application rates will be.
  • We can then provide information on the savings possible using the MagrowTec ROI calculator.
  • When you’re ready to go ahead, we will help you install and use the system so you can see the reduction in drift, improved coverage, and the savings you’ve made!

Don't just take our word for it

Hear from Andrew Kennedy in SA, Australia about the benefits he’s found from installing the MagrowTec sprayer.

Enquire now about MagrowTec

Submit the form below, and one of our local reps will get in touch to discuss your needs.

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